
Video uploads from Mac to iPhone4 but does not save

phgrebin 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
After using PT uploading a 121mb video from my Mac to my iPhone4, the app hangs at the "Transferring..." stage on the phone. The screen on the phone is not frozen, it ́s still actively showing the rotating network activity symbol. Text reads "Saving videos to album. This may take a few moments..." And the Total Progress bar shows no apparent change, even after 30mins. Is something wrong here?

Thanks for posting your question here and sorry I couldn't respond earlier.

This problem is most likely due to an incompatible video format. Our app tries to save the video file but it fails so it just hangs there. How was the video created? Normally all videos created by an iDevice (iPhone, iTouch) work just fine but we have noticed that some videos created by other cameras or other software have issues some times. Let me know how did you create the video so I can think if there is a way to convert it.

I'm sorry about this issue. Let us know some details about your video and I hope we can come up with a solution.

Happy new year! Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App