
does this work with iOS 3.1.3 2G iphone?

Brandt Sennhenn 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 4
Hello, I have the a 2G phone with iOS 3.1.3 on it. I am hoping to transfer my 1800 photos from the phone. This seems like the perfect app. Does anyone know if it'll work on my phone? My mac book pro w/ 10.6.6 and the iTunes 10.1.2 no longer recognize my phone. My mbp says that it's paired with my phone, but that blue tooth transfer is not compatitable. I have yet to purchase this app, but I would like to try it. I know I could probably use bump to transfer, pics... but I'd much rather buy this app if it MAY work. But i'd love to know that i won't work if there's info to support that. Thanks, Brandt
Ok, based on the response you gave in http://getsatisfaction.com/photo_tran... I decided to purchase the app (even though mine's an iPhone and not an iTouch, the 3.1.3 seemed relative). And it's working :) So I guess I just had to get the feel for it. Feel free to respond or ask me. Because this may be the door opener that will finally get my full res pics to my 'puter
Dear Brandt,

Thanks for posting your question here. Yes, Photo Transfer App works with devices using 3.1.3 however the selection method is a bit different to the one used on devices running iOS4. Here is a video how the app works with iOS 3.1.3:


You can transfer up to 50 photos at one time so transferring your 1800 will take you some time but it should work.

I hope the app will be useful to you. Please let us know if you have any other question or comment.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App
thanks Enrique, I can actually transfer 55 at a time (it says less than 56, but at 8mins of time from clear, copy (1min), send to PC (1min) _save link (5mins)_ prep for next
just another quick note. Since you are actually using a wifi intranet sort of connection the actual web address for your phone is quite variable. I've noticed that the first time I return (from errands or what have you) and I return to re-establish communication I noticed that the web address had changed (I think a '-2' was added just before the local:8080 at the end). This was not consistent and I also noticed that on occasion almost nothing I did would keep the first batch from working flawlessly once i was re-establishing connection. I'd suggest (as a user) considering that you may have done everything right when u have a problem, but try the "clear" function and trying again. Despite the message telling me i needed less than 56, I'd suggest following Ernique's suggestion and keeping file transfers to 50 (I've had plenty of success at 51-54, but why aggrevate your self when it fails). The export time is only half of the time it takes to accomplish the end goal, so consider that your break time. I've developed a routine that works well for me, and I'm now finally done downloading all pics. It's too bad I won't be able to bring this app with me to my next iphone since i can't sync it, and therefore it'll probably not follow my itunes as an 'already purchased' item. But this really is an excellent app, it'd be great if it could have options to transfer items other than photos, like notes, contacts, and even apps. This could become the most powerful app out there. Thank you thank you for keeping it iOS friendly and not leaving us geezers in the dust