
Loading loading....closing the app?!!

Lourdes Pelaez 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 1
Albums not loading on the 'Select' tab (iPad)
Dear Lourdes,

Thanks for contacting us. I'm really sorry you are having problems with the app.

That's an strange problem. I would recommend you to try 2 things. The first one is to open the 'Photos' app on your iPad before opening our app. This is to make sure that the photo database is updated before opening our app. So, open the Photos app, close it and then open our application.

The second thing to try is to check that 'location services' are activated for our application. To do this, open the 'Settings' app on your iPad and then touch the 'General' settings and finally 'Location services'. Then, scroll down and make sure that our app 'Transfer' is ON.

I hope this helps. Please let me know how it goes after you try these things. I will be very happy to assist you. (Hablo espaniol si prefieres)

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App