
accidentally deleted images

Traveller's Yarn 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I just deleted photos off my card by accident? Why does it delete unchecked photos? Can I restore them?

I'm sorry to hear about your problem. How did you delete your photos? was it using the 'Photos' app? Our app (Photo Transfer) does not have the ability to delete photos from your device, we can only read and copy photos, Apple does not allow third party apps like ours to delete photos of any device.

If you are using the camera connection kit then that works completely independently from our app. The CCK is made by Apple and we don't have any control over it. Maybe you can visit the apple discussion forums to see if there is a solution there: http://discussions.apple.com

I'm sorry I can't be more useful. Please let us know some extra details about how you deleted your photos to research if there is a solution.


Photo Transfer App