
Can't transfer large video

domantasj 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 3
hi, just downloaded the app in order to transfer videos from iPhone4 to iPad2. works great for most stuff, but I've got 1 video that's almost 12 mins long. iphone app says 'Videos (1)', but when I click on 'Get videos' on the iPad, I get an error message: "The sender device responded but does not have pictures to share". Have tried restarting apps and devices, but no luck. Is is a known issue with large(ish) files? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks for posting your question here. Here is what you need to do if your video is longer than 5 minutes:

Open the 'Settings' app on your iPhone and go to the settings for our app ('Transfer') . Then change the limit for the setting 'Max video duration' to 900 seconds (15 mins) or whatever you need. Please note however, that it may take quite a while to transfer if the video is very long and that your network may become slow during the transfer.

I hope it will work after this change. Let me know if the transfer works after this change. I will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
ah, didn't realise there were additional tweaks under 'Settings' - works like magic now. Thanks, Enrique.
Great! Glad I could help. Have a great week!