STill cannot make this app work - the ip address doesn't work
This is a nightmare. My iphone is connected to my wi-fi, yet the naming convention is mine, I don't see if on my home pc... Hence, Ican't get this appto work for the life of me. note that I am working on a Desktop PC with a wireless connection used for my work laptop..
Is there a number I can call to walk me through this - I have spent so much time on this issue, and am frustated to no avail!
Is there a number I can call to walk me through this - I have spent so much time on this issue, and am frustated to no avail!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for posting your problem here. I'm really sorry you are having problems with the app.
The first thing to check is to make sure that your iPhone and your computer are connected to the same wifi network. Once you checked that iPhone and computer are connected to the same wifi network you need to launch our app on your device and then go to the address provided inside of the application using your computer's web browser.
Please make sure that you keep the app running on your device and that you type the address exactly as it appears on the app including the 'http://' and the ':8080' parts. Please note that sometimes it takes couple of attempts to establish communication, if it does not get connected within the first few seconds then stop your browser and try the address again.
If the problem persists, you could also try resetting your wifi router to make sure that all connections get refreshed. After you reset the wifi router you need to join the network again on your iPhone and try the transfer process again.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you continue having problems, if you do please send me the address that the app is giving you to check if it looks ok and please tell us what type of wifi router you are using. I will be very happy to help.
Kind regards,
Photo Transfer App
You can go to the laptop's connection icon, in your task bar at the bottom near your clock if using WindowsXP (for Mac I'm not familiar, check your OS) ...
Anyway, see the connection address there by right-mouse-button clicking on that icon, then in the small menu that shows, select (highlite then left-mouse-button click) the STATUS option then click the SUPPORT tab, in the small window that pops up, to see the actual address the laptop is using.
You can see if the App is seeing the correct one.
You may also have your firewall blocking the connection because you're using wifi and not direct Ethernet on the laptop to the router... This I'm not completely sure of, but if you have the privacy set to block stuff, in the firewall, it may not connect to outside connections without letting it.
This App works, ... I've tried many of them... Both FREE and paid, this one works well.
No sense making duplicates of the same threads ... check it out here ...