Photos do not transfer in full resolution
I selected full resolution for transferring photos from my iPhone 4S to my Windows 7 PC, but the size of the image files was reduced. For example, one photo on my iPhone has a file size of 1.81mb, but the copy transferred to my computer is only 427kb. Why is the file size being reduced?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for posting your question here. That's strange, the photos should transfer in full resolution without any modification. How did you check the size of the photos on your iPhone? Also, did you take those photos using your iPhone or were they imported from somewhere else or edited with an app? Let us know so we can understand where the problem may be.
Kind regards,
Photo Transfer App
I checked the size of the photos on the iPhone through iCloud. I did take the photos with my iphone 4S. That is why I became suspicious about the file size of the photos downloaded using the Photo Transfer App. The files seemed to too small for an 8 megapixel image. I did not edit the images prior to downloading them and I did a batch download, specifying full resolution. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
Thanks for the feedback. That's strange, did you select to download the photos in full resolution? The app should choose the full resolution images, in fact, iOS stores 3 different sizes of photos: full resolution, medium resolution (the one displayed on the screen) and thumbnail. Our app takes the full resolution version and downloads it to your computer. Can you try with another set of photos to see if you have the same result? Let me know.
Kind regards,
Photo Transfer App
I took some new photos and then downloaded them using the app. It worked perfectly. The photos downloaded in full resolution. I do not know what the problem was with the old photos, but it seems to be working now for any future pictures I take. Thanks for your help.
I'm glad to hear that. Let me know if you have any further questions. Have a great week!
Best regards,
Thanks for contacting us. The app transfers full resolution photos always. It does not matter when you took the photos (before or after installing the app). The photo files are transferred in the exact same resolution as they are stored on the device.
Please check that the photos are stored in full resolution on your device. Also, when transferring from iPhone to iPad there is a switch on the last screen before initiating the transfer that lets you change from transferring in full or medium resolution, make sure that is set to full resolution -- by default it is always on medium resolution.
I hope this helps.
Let us know if you have other questions or comments.
Photo Transfer App
Photo Transfer App
I'm so sorry for not responding to you before. Did you continue experimenting the same problem? We've done our investigation and one possible cause for this is if you enabled 'iCloud Photo Library' - you can check this by going to:
Settings > iCloud > Photos > iCloud Photo Library
Let me know if you have that enabled please. When you enable this setting all your photos are automatically uploaded to the iCloud Photo Library and the full resolution version of your photos are removed from your device.
Let me know and again my apologies for the big delay getting back to you.
Photo Transfer App
Thanks for your reply. I had been emailing with Amber up to now.
The full version photos are still in my device, as was demonstrated when I emailed a full version to my computer after the reduced version was transferred with the app, and sent a screenshot to Amber. (I did that again today and can send you a screenshot showing both versions in my finder. I just attempted to add it below)
I have not done anything with iCloud settings since I previously used the app and successfully uploaded full versions of all my photos in late September. The only thing different now is that I updated my phone to the new iOS. I don't use iCloud at all because my laptop is too old to access it, and that's where I put the photos ultimately.
But I checked my settings anyway. I do have Photo Library enabled. HOWEVER, I JUST sent a full 1.8MB photo from my phone to my email, while the same photo which was uploaded previously with the app shows only 184 KB. So the photo library setting has not reduced the photos in my phone. The full versions are all still there. And even in the batches I uploaded with the app, occasionally a few would be full version, while the majority of them are reduced.
I have to ask: Could it have something to do with the new iOS version? Or some other default setting that might have come with it? That's the only thing that was changed on my phone just before this trip in mid-October. Or maybe I don't understand how iCloud works. When I email the photo from my phone, is it actually accessing a copy saved on iCloud???
Can you please email me as Amber did? I do not like communicating on a site I have to log into.
To double check, I thought I would try using the iPhone app to web browser download technique. When I did this, under each photo selected for download was the option to download a medium resolution image or a full resolution image. HOWEVER, when I selected full resolution, I got an image that was 852x640 pixels. That's the medium resolution size. BUT when I selected medium resolution, I got an image that was 1136x852 pixels. That is the full resolution size.
SO I think there is some conflict on parameter language between Apple iOS8 and the Photo Transfer App. When the Photo Transfer App specifies full sized image (either by user choice or default setting) the download results in the medium size image. And vice versa.
The next question of course is: Will you be notifying Apple of this predicament? Or is it something you will try to fix in future versions of your app? It was awfully convenient using the app to app method.
We are working on an update of the app with several new features and with fixes for iOS8 and Yosemite. We still need to tight some bolts but we hope to release it in the next 2-3 weeks. Thanks for your patience.
Photo Transfer App
BTW, MOST of the photos are transferred with reduced resolution. There is only a small fraction of pictures that I edit, so it can not be explained by the test you have done.
With the recent updates, there have been fixes sense this original post. You should be able to still transfer your photos in full resolution with the web browser. The desktop app as well transfers your photos in the original format.
Also the same questions as well. Did you take all the photos with your device or did you happen to modify / edit any of them using any other app or software?
Photo Transfer App
One of my responses above may be the solution for you. Check on your iPhone 5S if you enabled 'iCloud Photo Library':
Settings > iCloud > Photos > iCloud Photo Library
Let me know if you have that enabled please. When you enable this setting all your photos are automatically uploaded to the iCloud Photo Library and the full resolution version of your photos are removed from your device. In this case you can disable the setting for 'Optimize iPhone storage' which will re-download the full res versions of your photos from the cloud to the device.
Let me know and again my apologies for the big delay getting back to you.
Photo Transfer App
Don't worry about the delay! It's the weekend!
I do not have iCloud Photo Library enabled. I don't believe I ever did. I don't even use iCloud storage as I have almost 100% available.
I'm pretty certain the full resolution photos are on my iPhone, as the same photos are on my iPad via Photo Stream in full resolution, and the only place they came from is the iPhone.
And perhaps the best test of all: if I browse my phone via USB connection to my PC in Windows Explorer, I can see all my photos in full size (2+MB size), so I'm certain they are there.
Can you tell me if the photos that are transferring in smaller size were edited perhaps on the device? We are aware of a bug on iOS 8.0 where the photos that were edited don't return their full resolution version. Also, what version of iOS are you running? Have you installed the latest update from Apple (8.1.3)?
Hi Enrique.
These photos have not been edited. I'm running 8.1.2 on the phone.
I'll install the 8.1.3 and let you know if anything changes.
We are in the latest testing phase of the new version of the app that hopefully resolves this issue on your devices. We would love to have your feedback on the new version of the app to make sure that this issue is resolved. We can include you on the beta tester program so you can install the updated app before it is released. For this I would just need you to send us your email address so I can send you an invite to the beta program. You can send us an email to: support@phototransferapp.com and then I will send you the invite and the simple instructions to install the app.
Thanks in advance!
Just so you know, this issue is still present. I have 4K video files and on the phone, through windows explorer, they're around 3 gigs in size but when I download it with the app, it doesn't matter if it's via surfing to the URL through the browser or download and install the app in Windows 11, it still cuts the file size nearly in half. I've attached two screenshots. sizes-1 are the sizes on the iPhone and sizes-2 are sizes after transferred with Photo Transfer App.
Oh and naturally, I am choosing full size. If I'm recording in 4K, there's no reason to transfer anything but the original size/quality. I will say the videos are still in 4K but why in the world would they cut the file size in half? It has to be removing something.
I forgot to add the pictures... here they are. :)
On iPhone:
After Photo Transfer App downloaded (on PC):
If I copy them from the iPhone to PC via USB-C/Lightning cable, they copy over as the full file size. The issue is copying videos/images from the phone has always been challenging because you often get errors while trying to copy.