
!!!Need to transfer more then 56 photos at one time to my mac.

armondb 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 11
I recently lost all my images that i had inmy Mac, however, luckily I have them in my iPad. how can transfer more then 56 images to my mac. I have over 10K images and it will take me a long time if i do 56 at a time. I will pay extra for any patch. Thanks.

Thanks for posting your question here. For now unfortunately we don't offer the ability to transfer more than 56 photos at one time. However, we do have plans to support bigger batches of photos in an upcoming software update but I can't post the details until 2 or 3 weeks from now.

Sorry I didn't have a better answer. I hope you have the time to wait for our next update. I will make sure to post something here as soon as we have the update available. Let us know if you have any other quesiton.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
This answer was six months ago. No work on this. I'm VERY disappointed that I paid $2.99 for an APP that only transfers 56 photos at a time. I have over 16,000 pictures and videos on my phone. That's would take FOREVER doing 56 at a time. I would not recommend this app to anyone because of the limitation. Too bad you didn't list that in the description before you get your $2.99! I want a refund. Don Harper donsjc@gmail.com
Hi Enrique,
Is it possible a batch file can control another batch, as I suggested?
Hi! Unfortunately, from the web browser it would not be possible to automatically start a new download to the computer without the user's intervention. We are looking a different options on how we can implement this but most likely it will require a desktop application controlling the transfer to start pulling new photos from the device.
Dear Don,

Thanks for posting your comment here. I'm really sorry to hear the app is not what you expected. Currently we actually support transferring up to 112 photos at one time and by modifying a setting on the app you can increase that limit as well.

However, we have made the decision that for now we would like to provide the functionality of transferring small batches of photos efficiently and realiably without having to require people to install extra software on their computer. To be able transfer 16,000 photos would require having a piece of software running on the computer side to control the transfer as it may take several hours to move all photos over a wireless connection. So for now we have decided to specialize our app on small batches of photos until we can provide a 100% reliable solution to transfer thousands of photos over wifi.

This limit is actually described on the fourth bullet point of our app description on iTunes. But again, I'm sorry our app was not what you were looking for. Please let us know if you have any further question or comment.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Enrique, I don't know programming, but would it be possible to make a batch file automatically re-run itself, and just take in a new series of file names, in this case, as many as your App can handle at one time, (the divisor), until all files have been transferred, using the total number of files, to be the dividend?

For example -
# of pictures divided by amount of times Apps maximum file count needs to be run.

Anyway ...
What's "funny" to me, about these two requests (complaints) is that, as far as I know, NO other iPad App supports what they want yours to do, either! :-)

Sorry if I wrongly state this, I don't wish to interfere with your business.
Also disappointed here. I bought this app for the sole purpose of transferring all photos from a phone with a broken dock connector. I only have about 500 photos on the phone but point is I now need to do this in 10 batches with limited battery before the phone is totally dead (can't charge it). With all the great reviews I figured I'd spend $3 on this app, but again no mention in the app store of the limitation. Poor review on the app store forthcoming.

BTW I just noticed that 'select all' does not even select the full batch of 56. It says 10 photos and 20 videos selected.... WTF? Now I have to figure out which are being transferred in each batch and do multiple transfers per batch? You've gotta be kidding me. 1 star.
Thanks for all your help gvidid1. As I said before, I really appreciate your input on the forum!
I didn't realize you had mentioned the settings area already, before my post.

The answer was "hidden" , and I clicked it after, only to see I basically said the same thing.


I'm really sorry to hear the app is not what you expected. You can actually select up to 112 photos at one time with iPhone 4 are iPhone 3GS. This limitation is mentioned on the app description on the 4th bullet point of the Application features: " Select up to 100 photos to transfer at one time (32 on iPhone 3G and 1st. generation)".

What device are you using? If you have an iPhone 4 or iPhone 3GS you can also change this limitation and increase the number of photos and videos that you can select at one time. To do that, open the 'Settings' app on your device, scroll until you find the settings of our app and change the selection limit setting. I would recommend not to exceed 200 photos to avoid any transfer problem.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App
Hello, hi_dencity,

Check the settings for the App, under the Apps listing in the iDevice's "Settings" area.

You can adjust the maximums there, and when you click,"Select All", in the App, window, to send the photos, make sure you also use the > (arrow graphic) to see the next 56 in the listing window, to select additional 56... Three times, for 168 at once, but make sure you pay attention to the ones you've sent already so you don't duplicate photos, and waste your battery power.

I have my photos limit at 200, and videos to 100, and maximum seconds for video length at 5000, but then again ... I have an iPad2. The iPhone could have limits of it's own.

This App is really the best chance, and most reliable way, you have to get the photos, off the iPhone.

Once you see it works, you'll be back to say "thanks" to Enrique... We all have been "saved" in a similar way, so far. ... Thanks, Enrique. :-)