
Bluetooth doesn't work on iPad 2

Mitumit 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
when I try to send photos from my iPhone via Bluetooth to my iPad 2, the app says "not supported on this iPad!" why? is there anything I can do?
Hi Uemit,

Thanks for posting your question here.

What type of photo are you trying to transfer? Is it a photo that you took with the iPhone or was it imported using iTunes to your iPhone?

I would recommend you to close the app on our device, then, open the photos app on your iPhone and then launch our app again and try the transfer. Opening the photos app on your iPhone before trying a transfer is important because it ensures that the photo database is updated. You could also try to reset your wifi router to make sure that all connections get refreshed. After you reset the wifi router you need to join the network again from your iPhone an your iPad and try the transfer process again

By the way, we just released version 3.0 so you may want to update the application on your iPhone and your iPad to have the latest version.

I hope this helps. Please let us know if you continue having problems and if you do please send us some information about the photo that you are trying to transfer. We will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
Hello Amber,

I replied to your questions per E-Mail, but there was no answer. Now I try it this way:

I was transferring a normal photo, taken with my iPhone.
Yes I have the newest version 3.0.

And no your E-Mail had no helpful advice for me.

I hope you have a clue.


Uemit Aydin