
Video Transfer Problem (iPad2 -> iPhone 4s)

jhuffaker20 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I created a movie on an iPad 2 (iOS 5.0.1) using iMovie. When I try to use your software to move it to my iPhone 4s (iOS 5.0.1), the software fails. The message that is reported is something like "the devices are communicating but no videos have been selected." I have confirmed my selection on the iPad several times, sometimes selecting other videos for transfer. All videos (which were shot with either the iPad camera or the iPhone camera) will transfer except for the video created by iMovie. Can anyone provide an answer? Please help!

Thanks for contacting us. I'm sorry you are having issues with the app. This is most likely an issue related to the size of the video. How long is it? If it is longer than 10 minutes please follow these instructions:

1. Open the 'Settings' app on your iPad

2. Scroll until you find the settings for 'Transfer' (our app)

3. Then, change the 'Max video duration limit' to 1200 seconds or whatever you need.

After you do this change you should be able to transfer your video. Please be aware that if your video is very long it may take several minutes to transfer.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you have any other question or comment. We will be happy to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App