
Cannot put photos in a selected folder.

cbourque 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 3
The Help screens show a field to select or create a folder for photos being transferred from the PC to the iPad. This does not appear when I run the application. This was a major factor in my purchase, as I do not want to just dump all my photos in a single folder.

Thanks for posting your question here. What version of the iOS are you using on your iPad? Please make sure that you update to iOS5 to be able to select an album when uploading photos. This function is only available on iOS5.

I hope this helps! Let us know if you need further assistance.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App
i have the same problem and i have an ipad 2 with ios 5.0.1.. all the photos went into camera roll even though ive assigned a new album name in the browser.
Upgrading my iPad 1 to iOS 5.0.1 did the trick. The program still dumps all photos in the "Saved" photos album, but it also puts them in the individual albums that I create. I did find that you have to do two steps. First, create the album. Once that is done, the default in the "Download to" window will be your new album. Then when you transfer your photos they go to the correct album.