
does your app transfer the original photo or the photo that has been edited on the iphone 4S (please read details below)

new user 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
u take a pic w/ iphone 4s. it saves the pic as a file in the camera roll on the iphone 4s. iphone 4s lets you EDIT the pic, for instance "auto enhance". Then you save the "auto-enhanced" pic back into the camera roll. then i use your app to download the pic to my PC. is the downloaded pic the original or the auto-enhanced version? i believe it to be the auto-enhanced version.

Thank you for posting your question here, I will be more then happy to help you.

The app transfers the photos in full resolution in both directions. The photos get reduced only when using iTunes. Our app preserves the full resolution image on the device. When viewing an image on the device Apple internally uses a reduced version of the image to be displayed on the screen (To avoid loading the full resolution image on the device) but the full resolution representation is still there.

So you should be able to see the edited photo as it will transfer the photo exactly as it is on the iDevice.

I hope this helps!

Warm Regards,

Photo Transfer App