
how do I organize my pics on ipad in albums?

erin 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 3
How do I organize my photos into albums once transferred onto my ipad?
Dear Erin,

Thanks for posting your question here. Unfortunately placing photos in a different albums in the 'Photos' app is currently not possible. Believe me, we would love to be able to fix this, even for our own use. However, with the current version of the iPhone/iPad SDK is not possible.

Apple does not provide an approved way to save photos to a new album or even to create one. We are limited with the access that Apple gives developers to the iPhone photos and it is currently very restricted. Hopefully Apple will add some more API's that will allow to organize photos in the next release of the SDK.

I hope this is an understandable answer. Let us know if you have any other questions or comments. We will be happy to help and hear any feedback.

Best regards,

Photo Transfer App
is there any way to organize the pictures in an album ? or, if I organize them in windows explorer, will they transfer in that order, it is a bit confusing

I would like to clarify that Photo Transfer App now allows you to organize photos into different albums. To do that you first need to update your iPhone / iPad to iOS5 if you haven't done it already. Then, update our app to the latest version (3.01) and you will be able to select and create new albums using the transfer web page that appears when you go to the address provided inside of the app.

I hope this helps. Happy new year!

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App