
ftp usage tethered to a MIFI device

jregan pointsoftware 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 2
I just purchased an iPad2 and will use the device between a home network, office network and to cloud servers with a Verizon MIFI device. I downloaded the app and it is now locked into the home IP router address. Following help instructions in the forums I have tried to change the IP default of the application to the FTP location that I would like to transfer photos to but am unable to do this. Unfortunately your instructions on lack any depth of detail on how one would change internal setting on your application which is assumed to be defaulted to the iPad wifi address. It is also very unclear on the part where it says 'Type the address shown in the browser'....at that point the user seems to stepping outside of your application to invoke the transfer.
My questions are:
1) I want to connect to a cloud IP address such as ftp://servername.com:port# using the MIFI device. Where do I make this change so that your application understands this?
2) It would help if your help instructions were clearer on what happens when the browser page is opened and where the binding shown in the program is originated.

I hope you can solve these questions for me.
sorry partially incomplete in my response. I did read through changing the iPad wifi settings using the > button to no avail as recommended in other forum posts. Your app seems to use the DHCP settings that would not be applicable to a cloud server. More specifically, I am looking for input on which setting under the wifi network options I should be changing and in what syntax (example)
ftp://servernamename.com:port # or other?

Thanks for posting your question here. The address provided by the app is the actual IP address of your device on the network that is currently connected to. You need to connect to that address using a web browser from your computer via HTTP. We currently do not support FTP to transfer photos.

If you are unable to reach the address provided by the app it may be because of the configuration of the MIFI router which may prevent devices to communicate with each other. If that's the case please tell us what type of MIFI device you have so we can research how to configure it to allow communication between devices connected to it.

I hope this helps. Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App