
Problem transferring to ipad1?

Kgalgano 13 years ago updated 13 years ago 1
I'm trying to transfer to an ipad1. The iPad never finishes it's down load. Just keeps running. The computer transfer is done. The files don't appear anywhere. On other ipad2s that I have used this ap with, all the downloads go to the camera roll, the ipad1 doesn't seem to have a camera roll.

Thanks for contacting us. I'm sorry you are having issues with the app. On the iPad 1 the photos will be saved to the 'Saved photos' album instead of the 'Camera roll'. Did you look for the photos on that album?

If the photos are not saved on the 'Saved photos' album then can you tell us what type of photos you were trying to transfer? Were they taken with a digital camera or edited on a computer? Maybe you can try to transfer 1 single photo to see if that works and if it does not please send us the error message that the app is giving you so we can understand where the problem may be.

We'll be glad to help.

Kind regards,

Photo Transfer App